Pact Rules

This page is to explain some of the Pacts.

No Loadout: Only bring a healing item of choice. Can pick up anything during a match.
Dualies Dalton: Only allowed to use 2 pistols per weapon slot. Escape with Bounty: Escape with any Bounty, doesn't matter if it's 1 or both.
Running the Gauntlet: Complete a 2 bounty mission with both bounties.
Go Loud for one Match: Not allowed to kill AI with melee unless out of ammo. Barrels/explosions work though. No lightfoot or silent killer.
Trap Kills: Any form of trap kill counts, can be before or after death. Including barrels and resetting enemy traps.
Axe Kills: Combat, Throwing, Hatchet, World-spawn,anything that looks like a proper axe.
Pirate Loadout: Sparks pistol or longest barrel available, any sword, axe/machete if not available, at least one fire bomb + Spyglass!
Scope Kills: Need to look through scope and fire to get the kill. Levering/hip fire doesn't count. Aperture counts.
Silent but Deadly: No explosives, blank fire decoys, chaos bombs, or weapons that creates a loud sound. Flashbomb is acceptable.
Scoped Only: Primary/Secondary slot must have a scope attached. Aperture doesn't count.
No Weapon: Keep primary and secondary slots empty. Tools and consumables acceptable. Can pick up weapons.
2 Slot Champ: Only 2 slot weapons, no dualies.
Free Hunter: Only allowed to bring a health item of choice.
Scavenger: Leave a match with 2 guns that wasn't brought into the match. OR the one who drew it can request a specific item to be brought out.
OnlyFan: 1 chain pistol as primary and secondary.
Must have fanning trait.
ADS not allowed.
Switcheroo: Switch hand for mouse and keyboard, and make Dave suffer for one match.
Travelling Trader: Switch loadout with everyone you kill, or trade with for one match.
Trade Showdown: Switch loadout with everyone you trade with.
Whirlwind of Death: 2x Handcannons of choice, Knife, healthkit, throwing knife and axe.
4x Flash bomb. Can pick up new consumables.
Chad Thundercock: Hunter (pref. free) with only 1 Axe, nothing else. Can only pick up consumables. No new weapons. Can pick up axes if have the trait to throw them.